The A to Z Guide to Angular Lifecycle
Angular is a prevalent, broadly used client-side platform that has won millions of developer’s hearts in recent years. With the emergence of the Angular platform, application building has become extensively easy both for web and mobile. There are new versions emerging each year and Angular lifecycle keeps on evolving. The platform was introduced by Google back in 2009. AngularJS the first initiative by the Angular team was extensively popular and was dependent on HTML and JavaScript. However, in the later versions, you can find that JavaScript got replaced by TypeScript and other modern scripting languages. Angular has given the developers the freedom to develop applications that can run on web, mobiles, and desktop. With time Angular has undergone many modifications and has introduced many versions after AngularJS to Angular7 and still counting. What is Angular Lifecycle? Each Angularjs version goes through various phases in its lifecycle. Components have a cri...