Top 3 Best JavaScript Frameworks for 2019
Introducing javascript frameworks Undoubtedly, JavaScript’s (JS) popularity in the developer community has grown exponentially over the years. The reason is its ability to allow developers to design and modify web pages in numerous ways and even add functionalities to real-time web apps. JavaScript is gathering attention not just for its simplicity and ease of use but also due to what it brings to the table—Efficiency, Security, and Low-cost results. At the same time, advancing technologies are pushing techies to add new skills to their repository for JS. It goes without saying that the market of JavaScript libraries/frameworks is a bit messy today. There is a lot of noise with in terms of available options and developers often need to test the waters by learning multiple libraries/frameworks to determine the best one. Consider the popular State of JS Survey of 2018 that gives an account of the number of libraries that developers are currently using: Although t...