Postman Tutorial for Automation : All you need to know
Postman Tutorial for Automation
This step by step guide is a detailed documentation on Postman Tutorial for Automation. It will run you through all the steps that you would require to Automate API testing using Postman. Right from downloading Postman from Chrome to testing it for Automation.
Why Automation and Postman?
Automation is the new norm across sectors. Automation, using postman in testing can improve and increase the depth and scope of tests for a better software quality.
This postman tutorial will not only help you to understand the automated testing process but also help you to run postman in chrome and introduce API automation to your daily QA processes for executing repeated test cases.
Reading this Postman tutorial will help you to
1. Create test suites
2. Store information for running tests in different environments
3. Store data for use in other tests
4. Easily move tests and environments to code repositories
Need for Postman Automation
Postman Automation is truly important while testing products with a large number of integrations and/or frequent releases.
It is the ultimate tool for API automation. The main objective of QA automation is to reduce the combined amount of effort required for manually re-testing of a product which is fairly high.
Also, for removal of the manual testing efforts that are invested in testing a set of functionalities repeatedly.
For instance, Agile practices like continuous builds, the amount of time taken to receive a feedback for a manual regression test with the new code is too high.
API testing is also known as Integration testing. Integration testing focuses on verifying that the interactions of many small components can integrate together without issue. Since API tests bypass the user interface, they tend to be quicker and much more maintainable than GUI tests. Therefore, a good QA team will make fairly accurate projections based on the backlog at hand and the general information about the project and its architecture and use automation for regression test.
Insights into Postman Tutorial for API Automation
Postman a Chrome app is for interacting with HTTP APIs. Postman allows user to automate test cases in javascript with salient features like write test suites, build requests that can contain dynamic parameters, pass data between requests, etc.
For validation of API, on receiving a response, Postman validates the response as described in the test scripts. This is performed under “Tests” section. Most interesting part is a JSON response can be parsed to an array and then the elements can be accessed by index and value or even be iterated.
The main benefit of using postman is that user does not need to create a full JSON request programmatically unlike other automation API frameworks to put assert on it. Postman beautifully designs them and helps user directly define test cases.
Tools/Dependency to get started –
1. Postman
2. Node
3. Newman
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